How to Prescribe Like a Homeopath

How to Prescribe Like a Homeopath

If you want to learn the basics of

How to Prescribe Like a Homeopath

you have come to the right place. There are several methods of choosing (Repertorization) the right remedy and then correct dosing & potency (Posology) is an art unto itself.

We, at PayAfterCure, follow the classical Hahnemannian approach in all our prescriptions and by reading this detailed description below, almost anyone with the basic understanding of the healing system can use homeopathy with little or no help from us and learn How to Prescribe Like a Homeopath.

You can read this blog on How Homeopaths Find And Confirm A Remedy to read the summary of How to Prescribe Like a Homeopath.

Here are the details:


We strongly emphasize getting the basics right before beginning any treatment, what this means is that you should be eating well, sleeping enough, doing moderate exercise & physical activity, praying or meditating and able to manage stress well. If the basic constituents of health are missing, no amount of treatment can bring cure.


Just like a stool can’t stand on two legs, you need at least three symptoms for the right remedy from Materia Medica, one each from Mind/Emotions, General & Modality to get a prescription on which you are reasonably confident. A good fitting constitutional remedy will have somewhere between 7-10 symptoms which will fit your case. You can use our Free Smart Remedy Finder to find the right remedy with a great degree of confidence.


We use your personality & genetic make up (Constitution) as the basis of prescribing for your chronic health issues. This takes into account all the aspects of your personality.

As part of learning on How to Prescribe Like a Homeopath, the POSOLOGY is also very important and is explained below.


In non-emergency cases, take a test dose. Just one dose. Not daily. Then see how it effects you over 1-2 weeks. Based on the response (explained below) you can decide if you need more doses. A potency of 30c can be safely used as a test dose.


If remedy is Pills/Pellets:
One dose is one pill. If the pellets are very small in size like fine sugar grain, then 7-10 pellets.
Dissolve the pill in your mouth.
If remedy is liquid:
Put one drop of the remedy in half glass of water, stir and take one tea spoon from it.
That’s one dose.


If the child can’t safely suck on the pill/pellets then one dose is made by dissolving one pill of the remedy (or one drop, if you have liquid remedy) in half a glass of cooled, boiled water. Stir it and take one tea spoon from it.
Once you learn How to Prescribe Like a Homeopath, you can prescribe for animals too. Children have responded well to natural homeopathic remedies that work on the endocannabinoid system – a natural system that the brain properly regulates in patients without ADHD, but for kids who have ADHD this system may be hyperactive. CBD gummies are a great way to modulate this system in kids without the bad taste of CBD oil. Recommended resources for further reading on the best CBD gummies you should give your kids are available at Daily CBD.


One dose is made by dissolving one pill of the remedy (or one drop, if you have liquid remedy) in half a glass of water. Stir it and take one tea spoon from it.


Some remedies work best at night before sleeping, some first thing in the morning. As a general rule, take it in the morning so that any aggravation is during the day.


  • Don’t take any other homeopathic remedy during treatment.
  • Give a break of at least 10 minutes before eating/drinking anything before or after taking the remedy.
  • During the course of treatment, don’t eat/drink anything which you have never had all your life.


  • The remedy is right if you notice some change (good or bad) in your symptoms within 1-2 days.
  • If you feel sleepy after the dose, go ahead and take a nap. This is another indication that the remedy is working.
  • If things keep improving, don’t take any more doses. This maybe all you need.
  • If the symptoms slide back & worsen, you can take one more dose.
  • As long as the improvement is continuing, don’t take more doses.
  • If you see no change at all in 2-4 days, the remedy is wrong. Move to the next remedy.
  • Don’t wait for more than 7 days in any case. Use whatever help & means are required to get yourself healthy.
  • Always use your common sense and if in doubt, seek immediate medical assistance.


Acute cases are cold, flu, fever, upset stomach etc.

  • The remedy & potency is right if you notice improvement in your symptoms within few hours.
  • If you feel sleepy after the dose, go ahead and take a nap. This is another indication that the remedy is working.
  • If things keep improving, don’t take any more doses. This maybe all you need.
  • If the symptoms slide back & worsen, you can take one more dose.
  • As long as the improvement is continuing, don’t take more doses.
  • If you see no change at all in 8 hrs, the remedy or potency is wrong. Move to the next remedy.
  • Don’t wait for more than 12 hrs in any case. Use whatever help & means are required to get yourself healthy.
  • Always use your common sense and if in doubt, seek immediate medical assistance.

You can’t learn How to Prescribe Like a Homeopath unless you are aware of the Homeopathic Aggravation.


  • Since every human being is unique, sometimes the chronic (long standing) symptoms for which treatment is being done can worsen after taking the homeopathic remedy. This is homeopathic aggravation and usually a good sign. The aggravation is temporary and dies down within days.
  • Aggravation is usually seen when the potency is 200 or higher, with low potencies aggravation is very rare.
  • Not everybody gets aggravation, some feel improvement right away.
  • If you feel aggravation you can use any non-medicinal means to keep yourself comfortable. If the aggravation seems excessive, you can use any & all means necessary (including taking allopathic medicines) to keep yourself comfortable. Keep your homeopath fully updated if this happens.
  • As a general rule, if you have been on allopathic medicines or steroids for years, your body’s response maybe more severe and can’t be judged before starting the treatment.


A good example of how to observe your progress is by seeing %age improvement or worsening for all your health problems e.g.

  • Emotions: e.g. Feeling of happiness improved 40%
  • Energy level: e.g. Feeling of tiredness reduced 70%
  • Main health problem: e.g. Nasal discharge reduced 50%
  • Other health problems: e.g. Acne increased 60%
  • Anything new: Depression: e.g. Loose stool started
  • And so on list all your complaints.


Real cure will follow the three basic laws (Hering’s Laws) as mentioned below :

  • First Law: Healing progresses from the deepest part of the organism – the mental and emotional levels and the vital organs – to the external parts, such as skin and extremities.
  • Second Law: Symptoms appear and disappear in the reverse of their original chronological order of appearance. Patients may re-experience symptoms from past conditions.
  • Third Law: Healing progresses from the upper to the lower parts of the body. For instance, a person is considered to be on the mend if the arthritic pain in his neck has decreased although he now has pain in his finger joints.

If healing is truly in progress, the patient feels stronger and generally better in spite of the aggravation. Before long, the symptoms of the aggravation pass, and leave the person healthier on all levels.

To summarize, the first step of cure is improvement in the mental and emotional side i.e. a general feeling of well being, better mood, more energy etc. It is followed by improvement in the major organs of the body. The symptoms which appeared last will resolve first.


Chronic & deep rooted health problems require a very strong commitment from the patient to follow up regularly as the treatment can last for years, even then there is no guarantee of 100% cure as it depends on several factors, some of the main ones are these:

  • Age: The younger you are the higher the chances of cure.
  • Genetics: If you have inherited your disease from your parents or grandparents, then full cure is difficult.
  • Allopathic medicines: If you have been using allopathic medicines for several years for your health issue, then full cure might not happen.
  • Lifestyle: If you smoke, do drugs, eat unhealthy, sleep less then your chances of cure reduce substantially.
  • Environmental factors: If you live in a polluted area or are under constant stress due to your surrounding people/work, your chances of cure will reduce substantially.


Your case may require several remedies (Intercurrent or Anti-miasmatic) to achieve cure. Each remedy has a proper time for usage, this example will explain it clearly: Consider reaching the top of the roof with a ladder, to start going up you can’t use the 10th step of the ladder instead of 1st step. Then imagine having door locks (Miasms) after every couple of steps, each lock will have a specific key, the key for lock #5 will not work in lock #9. All of this makes practicing homeopathy difficult. We have to know which ladder is it now, which lock is hindering the progress etc. Homeopathy, if used correctly, can be used in all stages of life, even during pregnancy.


No amount of treatment, be it homeopathic or allopathic, can cure if the persistent cause is not eliminated e.g. if you keep moving a broken bone repeatedly then it will never heal since you are not giving it the required break to heal and set the bone. The same logic applies to constant immense stress (don’t confuse it with daily life stress which is necessary to survive).
Extremely unhappy relationships are toxic in nature and only breed more contempt & ill health unless they are addressed and proper remedial measures are not taken.

It takes years of practice to master and learn How to Prescribe Like a Homeopath but you know the basics now!

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