Natural treatment of hives can be achieved through homeopathy which is safe, fast, permanent, non-toxic & non-invasive!
Also known as urticarial, hives results in skin that’s itchy, red, and irritated. It is not only annoying but can also be painful. There are many reasons for the appearance of hives, but the science is the same: a response within the body triggers histamines and cytokines in the skin. Because hives are usually the result of an allergic reaction, finding relief can be as simple as understanding what’s causing your body to react and avoiding exposure to it. Homeopathy can be used as the fastest natural treatment of hives as it can provide relief within hours.
There are many skin conditions with symptoms similar to hives. Successful treatment requires proper identification. Hives are well-demarcated pale-to-red raised areas of skin notable for their tendency to erupt and itch violently, only to resolve and reappear in other locations.
Most conventional urticaria treatments (e.g., antihistamines, corticosteroids, and antidepressants) aim to relieve the symptoms of hives without bothering to address the root cause. Worse, these treatments and their potentially toxic ingredients often do more harm than good. Topical steroid creams, for example, can lead to undesirable skin changes if used liberally over long periods of time so it is better to use only natural treatment of hives.
Acute. Most cases of acute urticaria are caused by an allergic reaction, but other triggers include heat or cold, exercise, and viral infections. Medications often responsible for urticarial allergic reactions include sulphonylurea glimepiride (Amaryl), dextroamphetamine, aspirin, ibuprofen, penicillin, clotrimazole, sulfonamides, and anticonvulsants.
Chronic. Urticarial outbreaks that come and go over periods of time (weeks to years) merit a deeper search for the underlying cause. Food allergies are among the most common causes of chronic hives, the primary culprits being fish, shellfish, berries, nuts, chocolate, tomatoes, eggs, milk, and food additives like salicylates, sulfites, and polysorbate. You’ll know if you get a reaction within 30 minutes of eating an offending food. See Allergy Elimination Diet.
Other causes of hives include autoimmune disorders such as Hashimoto’s Disease (which might be caused by gluten or other food sensitivity), achlorhydria or hypochlorhydria (having no or diminished gastric acid secretion), and stress – that ever-present villain. Occult malignancy (cancer of unknown origin) is no longer thought to cause chronic urticaria. An association noted with increasing frequency is the association of abnormal MTHFR genes with a tendency to hives. This is an important association to identify, because people with abnormal MTHFR genes require special forms of folic acid and vitamin B12 for optimal health.
Several skin conditions resemble urticaria, so you must obtain the correct diagnosis prior to embarking on a treatment plan.
Do not confuse hives with angioedema, which causes swelling of the deeper layers of the skin. The bumps have less-distinct, more gradual borders. Angioedema represents a more threatening level of systemic allergy that can spread to the airways and should be addressed immediately.
With poison oak or ivy (rhus poisoning), blisters form after contact and do not resolve and relocate. Many of the topical applications listed below for hives will also work for rhus poisoning.
Similarly, a heat rash does not resolve and relocate, but it can spread.
Natural treatment of Hives can be done easily with homeopathy as it is an effective alternative to antihistamines in the treatment of hives, without the well-known side effect of drowsiness! When treating hives, it is important to first recognize and consider removing any potential cause, such as a change in laundry detergent, an offending food (or food additive), or a newly prescribed medication (talk with your qualified health practitioner first).
Following remedies are commonly used for the natural treatment of hives. Compare your symptoms to these & match the best description given below to yours and take a single dose i.e. one pellet in 30 potency just once and observe over 24 hrs. In case of constant improvement don’t take anymore. Repeat when improvement stalls or reverses. Ask us at in case of any confusion.
The most common remedy for hives. (A third of all cases.)
The skin is hot, swollen, red, itchy and burns.
Cold applications and a cold environment provide relief.
Hot applications and a warm environment make him worse.
He may seem restlessly busy and easily irritated.
Burning hives with chills, worse from cold applications.
Worse eating shellfish and during nighttime.
Hives with nausea or diarrhea (or both).
Consider if there is a history of asthma.
She is restless and may be anxious.
Chronic or recurring hives.
Very sensitive to cold, he wants to be warmly wrapped up.
Crops of fine, small hives with a sticking or pricking sensation.
In general, skin looks unhealthy, every little injury creates pus.
Hands, fingers, face and scalp affected.
Is considered with chronic or recurring hives.
Hives look white and appear on hands, ankles and joints.
A strong craving for salt and salty foods is common.
Her skin is worse with heat.
Her mood tends toward sadness, but she resists consolation.
Red, swollen and intense itching.
He is very sensitive to cold air/water on skin.
He is worse from getting wet.
He is better from heat and warm applications.
Hives with arthritic pain.
Hives with severe burning.
Throat, thighs and feet affected.
Better with cold applications or cold air.
Itching made worse from warmth.
She is worse at night, in bed, scratching or washing.
Violent itching with constant desire for rubbing.
Scalp, hands fingers affected.
White or pale raised hives, with red around the edges.
Hives worsened with heat, hot bathing and exertion.
Like Rhus tox, hives associated with arthritic pains.
This information is provided for educational purposes only.
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