severe constipation natural treatment of anal fissure

Severe constipation relief

If you have severe constipation, below are FIVE excellent homeopathic remedies, ONE of which may help you pass stool within 12-24 hrs if you have extreme and severe Constipation and when you have not passed stool in several days and have no urge even.

The main benefit of using a homeopathic remedy will be that you will pass stool without any exertion and excessive pushing which may cause hernia and prolapse of anus etc.

Remember, homeopathic remedies work when they match the symptoms closely to yours, that’s why there are FIVE remedies, one of which will work best on your case. There is no one remedy which fits everyone, so take time to read every word in the description of the remedies below and use the one which is MOST FITTING to your case:

  • ALUMEN: No desire for stool for days. Marble-like masses pass, but rectum still feels full. Itching in anus. Dislike everything cold.
  • ALUMINA: Hasty, hurried personality. Old people. Hard, dry, knotty, stool. No urge for stool. Rectum Itching and burning. Feel worse after eating or standing. Feel good with warmth.
  • PLATINUM METALLICUM: Sick of everything, tired. Constipation of travelers, who are constantly changing food and water. Feel better with walking.
  • PLUMBUM METALLICUM: Stools hard, lumpy. Stool impacted in rectum due to not going for several days. Feel better after physical exertion.
  • PYROGENIUM: Constipation, with no urge or desire for stool. Stool impacted in rectum due to not going for several days.


Read the description of these remedies in the Materia Medica and chose the one which is most similar to your case. If you are unsure, take PYROGENIUM as the first choice. You can use either 12c or 30c potency of the suitable homeopathic remedy listed above to treat severe constipation as follows:

Which potency for severe constipation

You can take either 12c or 30c, whichever is available easily:

  • If 12c potency: Take a dose of 12c potency, twice in 24 hours i.e. a break of 12 hours between doses. Drink enough water in between. Then wait overnight, you will pass stool the next morning after breakfast. If you don’t pass stool after 24 hours of the last dose, then use a suppository as the stool might be extremely impacted, beyond the capacity of the homeopathic remedy to work.
  • If 30c potency: Take a dose of 30c potency and wait overnight. Drink enough water in between. Then wait overnight, you will pass stool the next morning after breakfast. If you don’t pass stool after 24 hours of the dose, then use a suppository as the stool might be extremely impacted, beyond the capacity of the homeopathic remedy to work.

what to expect after the dose

Within a few hours, you should feel some activity or movement in your bowels, some passing of gas etc. If you don’t feel anything even after 12 hrs, then arrange a suppository as a backup solution, you may need that.

how to cure constipation permanently

If you have severe constipation repeatedly, you may need a properly selected homeopathic remedy and guidance on a healthy lifestyle to manage constipation permanently, as the root cause of your constipation may be conditions like Crohn’s, Colitis, or IBS. You can use our Smart Remedy Finder (SRF) to find your homeopathic remedy and select the option of Paid Consultation so that we can guide you.

CAUTION: Never take more than one homeopathic remedy at a time, never mix several remedies as it will be counterproductive as some remedies work against one another.

Make sure to read our blog to ensure you address the root cause of constipation.

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